Lake Manyara National Park

Centered on a shallow alkaline (soda) lake with a spectacular setting at the base of the rusty-gold 600-metre high Rift Valley escarpment, also integrated with dense woodlands and steep mountainsides, the Lake Manyara National Park creates perfect game-viewing and excellent encountered with wildlife in diverse habitats.




Lake Manyara National Park has easy access at about 90 minutes' drive from Arusha and barely an hour from the Ngorongoro Crater. At the size of 330km², of which typically two-thirds is underwater, the park is a small park by African standards. However, it's also very beautiful and contains tremendous diversity of habitats, animals and especially birds.  Making this breath-taking park a perfect safari destination enroute to or from the Crater. Avian activity peaks between October and February, with the arrival of migrants from Europe.





Min: 20°C/68°F Max: 30°C/86°F



Min: 19°C/66°F Max: 25°C/77°F


Short rains: November to mid December

Why Visit?

- Huge troops of baboons – which often number several hundred and are widely regarded as Africa's largest; often accompanied by the shyer blue monkey


- Renowned for its tree-climbing lions, who haunt in the narrow belt of acacia woodlands


- Plentiful herds of elephants, wildebeest, large buffalo, giraffe and antelope congregate on the grassy floodplain that contrasting with the intimacy of the forest.


- Thousands of pink flamingos on their perpetual migration and around 400 species of birds, including plentiful of waterbirds and raptors (more than 50 species recorded), and a variety of colourful bee-eaters, kingfishers and so on.

When to go?

All year round except rainy season (Apr-May). 

Possible to see flamingos in drier months (Jul-Sep), however flamingos are migratory birds and sightings are never guranteed