Kibale National Park

Kibale is one of Africa’s foremost research sites. While many researchers focus on the chimpanzees and other primates found in the park, others are investigating Kibale’s ecosystems, wild pigs and fish species, among other topics.

Kibale National Park contains one of the loveliest and most varied tracts of tropical forest in Uganda. Forest cover, interspersed with patches of grassland and swamp, dominates the northern and central parts of the park on an elevated plateau.



Kibale is famously known for Chimpanzee tracking. The park is home to a total of 70 mammal species, most famously 13 species of primate including the chimpanzee.

It also contains over 375 species of birds. Kibale adjoins Queen Elizabeth National Park to the south to create a 180km-long corridor for wildlife between Ishasha, the remote southern sector of Queen Elizabeth National Park, and Sebitoli in the north of Kibale National Park.

Why Visit?

- An exciting adventure as you get to go trekking with chimpanzee


- Kibale National Park, housing the greatest variety and concentration of primates found anywhere in East Africa including 12 species of primates such as the rare red colobus monkey, grey-cheeked mangabey, olive baboon and red-tailed monkey.


- Within half a day’s drive of the Queen Elizabeth, Rwenzori Mountains

When to go?

All year round except rainy season during Apr-May.