Etosha National Park

Etosha National Park, considered as one of Southern Africa’s finest wildlife parks, is Namibia’s prime nature conservation area. Spanning a vast 22 300 km² (8 610 square miles).




The Park consists of a mosaic of vegetation types that surround a huge salt pan, which becomes a lovely lake after heavy rains. Etosha, meaning "Great White Place", hosts a vast array of wildlife, including four of the Big Five, as well as giraffes and rare species such as the black-faced impala, Hartmann’s Mountain zebra or the diminutive Damara dik-dik.  Etosha's pans are white from lime and salt - and influence the whole region, giving Etosha a white look, unique to any of Africa's other great game reserves.

Why Visit?

- Holds one of the largest, and perhaps the most stable, population of black rhino in the world.


- The waterhole at Okaukuejo is famous for it's night time wildlife in the dry season, including frequent visits by black rhino, elephants and lions.


- One of the highest densities of giraffe anywhere are found in the area.


- Unique "white look"

When to go?

Wildlife congregates around waterhole during Jun - Oct when water source are vert limited in dry season.