
我們希望為每位旅客展示野生世界前所未見的精彩一面,期待你們享受旅程的每一刻,也感謝你們分享旅程的難忘時刻 ......

眼界大開的 Safari 旅程

'眼界大開的 Safari 旅程'


Serengeti 的野生動物數量令人讚歎,幸運地看到了獅子和獵狗爭奪獵物的場面,沿途感受到嚮導和所有營地員工真摯的熱情和貼心服務。

這次帶同孩子還入住了超難預訂的 Giraffe Manor,跟長頸鹿共享早餐的時光我相信他以後都不會忘記 !

RedisPolly: 每次都是圓夢之旅

'RedisPolly: 每次都是圓夢之旅'




兩次都是找 Wild Senses,每次出發前的安排都十分妥當,有問必答,還透過他們令我知道更多網上找不到的資料,到當地如果遇到困難他們也第一時間專業地處理

Magnificent River Crossings

'Magnificent River Crossings'

It was a long journey to reach Kenya and Tanzania, we finally arrived Mara Bushtops after 20+ hours since departing from Hong Kong, with that breath-taking scenery from your luxury tent and I realized it's all worth it!

We stayed 3 nights each in both Masai Mara and Serengeti, we were fortunate enough to witness few times of river-crossings and have some spectacular wildlife sighting - a cheetah trying to hunt but unsuccessful and leopard climbing trees with her cub.

It is definitely one of my most unforgettable journeys, thank you for your seamless arrangement and assistance throughout my journey.






我是來自香港的,很高興偶然在網上找到 Wild Senses Holidays,實現了我人生去非洲的夢想,亦跟Candida 成為了朋友!
在2017年,我獨自去了兩次非州,分別在三月和九月,9天和21天,去了肯亞、 博茨瓦納、津巴布韋、坦桑尼亞、納米比亞、贊比亞..九月份還體現了動物大遷徙過河的震撼塲境,置身於非洲廣闊大草原觀賞野生動物,入住豪華營地酒店、高級越野車和小型飛機、親切的貼心服務,跟長頸鹿一起吃早餐、跟獵豹一起漫步、維多利亞大瀑布、實在令我樂而忘返、希望將來有機會再去這個野生動物夢幻天堂探險...




Thousands and Thousands of Penguins

'Thousands and Thousands of Penguins'

Thank you for recommending us an amazing voyage to Antarctica!

From the moment we arrived at the Buenos Aries airport to board our charter flight to Ushuaia, the attention to detail was evident. The ship was immaculate and in wonderful shape, however it pale by comparison to the genuine friendliness and graciousness of the crew. As Antarctica cruise, the coordination of people in and out of zodiacs was masterful and without incident.

We will never forget the wildlife we have seen (whales, penguins elephant seals, albatross) and this is a journey that we can keep sharing with others.

We fell in love with Africa

'We fell in love with Africa'

My wife and I went on a Tanzania Safari for a week in Africa for our honeymoon. We were not sure what to expect as we had never been to Africa before but luckily Wild Senses took care of it all and there was nothing to worry about.

The trip was very well planned. The moment we landed, staff from the campsite was already there to meet and greet us, took our bags and started the safari en route to the campsite. We saw animals that we would normally see in google photos or text books: Lions, leopards, cheetahs, giraffes, rhinos and so many more. It was a truly amazing experience. Moreover, the campsite, its staff and services were top-notch. Food, drinks and accommodation were so good that you would not believe you were in Africa.

We fell in love with Africa and just cannot wait to go again already :)

A Journey Unforgettable

'A Journey Unforgettable '

We are fortunate to visit Antarcitic Peninsula during CNY Feb 2019.

The trip was very well organized and ticked all our boxes! It was better than we have hoped and we thoroughly enjoyed it. The staffs and expedition guides on the ship were so knowledgeable and were excellent.

We are wildlife lovers and are amazed by the number of animals we have seen here, the penguins and whales are just gorgeous. Love to travel this way and this will be a hard act to follow !



無與倫比的旅程,我們的旅遊閱歷很豐富也因此要求也相當高,很喜歡Candida 為我們設計的肯亞大遷徙Safari 之旅,把不同風格的營地融合在我們的行程,而且在最好的位置觀賞了大遷徙渡河場面,整整兩天我們幾乎足不出戶就可以看到上萬頭角馬橫越馬拉河。我是素食者但營地的膳食令我非常滿意,期待你在為我們設計下一趟納米比亞的非洲之旅。
